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This Is Trans • A Photography Journey of Awareness and Love by MX. NV Gay

Salem Arts Association is proud to bring "This Is Trans" to Salem. This is a timely and important subject for our time and community. 

  • Special Artist Reception with MX. NV Gay - Saturday March 23, 6:00 to 8:00 pm
  • Exhibition Dates: March 2 – April 6, 2024 (Opening Reception: Friday, March 1, 2024, 6:00 to 8:00 PM)
  • Portrait Session Event (See Details Below) - March 23 and 24, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Artist reception will feature a meet and greet with Miss Trans Massachusetts 2023, Chelsea Page Moses and special guests. Reception is sponsored by Miss Trans Global USA. 

Photos from This is Trans Project, by Mx. NV Gay. Click to view larger.

This project was started at the beginning of 2022 as a way to bring visibility and awareness to transgender people of all forms. Transgender can be mistakenly thought of as a binary concept in which a person has to transition from one binary gender to the other, aka male to female or female to male. Stigmas surrounding the community have pushed a belief that a transgender person is only valid if they transition fully with the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and gender confirming surgeries. While some transgender people transition in this way, The artist Mx. NV Gay seeks to bring to light that transgender is an umbrella that covers an array of identities; and that each is unique, beautiful and fully valid. My goal is to illustrate that the only true way to transition is the way that is best for each individual person. Participants in this project have been photographed as they are, showing the world that they are completely valid in their unique and diverse transgender identity and presentation. All participants have contributed their personalities, their identities, their compassion, and their desire to see a world that truly accepts and loves them for the beautiful humans that they are.


My name is NV Gay and I am a transgender gender-fluid photographer/activist living in Columbus Ohio. Previously, I was a middle school teacher; however, I left that profession with the intention on becoming an advocate within the LGBTQIA+ community. I have build Mx. Gay's Creative Direction as an all in one platform for creating and sharing amazing artwork. I independently work as a DEI and LGBTQIA+ Inclusion trainer and advocate, photographer, and creative director; and, I am excited to help you create your vision.

I came out as transgender in December of 2018 to my wife. Since then I have been living as my true self and being able to express my gender as I see fit for each day. I have created a large advocacy message and following through social media; where I look to promote and give a voice to others, while bringing awareness and education to all. Currently, I have been hard at work on an advocacy and awareness campaign entitled "This is Trans". This project is set to change the narrative surrounding the transgender community and the definition of validity. 


With an immense focus on empowering and uplifting marginalized communities, photographer and digital artist Mx. Vincent-Natasha Gay (they/them; NV for short) [of Mx. Gay’s Creative Direction] draws inspiration through their life experiences as a transgender individual. Their art explores topics of the human condition bolstered by the words and lived experiences of NV’s subjects. With intent on treasuring individualistic self-expression, NV exposes the raw wounds of prejudice and abuse while advocating for the inherent beauty in being human.

For more information visit

You can be a part of "This Is Trans"

Free Portrait Session with Photographer Mx. NV Gay

Saturday March 23 & Sunday March 24 • 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM

If you are an individual who is trans identified, you can be part of a free portrait session with the artist/photographer Mx. NV Gay. You will receive a free portrait and be included in the ongoing "This is Trans" exhibit across the country. 

Free portrait sessions with Mx. NV Gay will be held at the Salem Arts Association Galleries.

Please email us for more information at

You will receive a return email with details to schedule the day and time for your portrait session.

Photo Portrait Info

Please Support Our Sponsors

Special Reception Sponsor

Advocate Sponsors


Ally Sponsors


Become a Donor or Corporate Sponsor

If you would like to support "This Is Trans" and Salem Arts Association please consider a gift to help fund this exhibition and our ongoing schedule of exhibitions and events.  Donors and sponsors will receive recognition at the events, on exhibition signage, and our website. 

Download SalemArts_ThisIsTrans_Sponsorships.pdf for full "This is Trans" sponsorship details or visit our Sponsorship Page for more info.

SAA Special Exhibit Sponsor Form.pdf

Make a Gift Today

Salem Arts Association is open Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Salem Arts Association Galleries, 159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970

Contact with questions.

Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6 pm

Parking: on street when available

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© 2007 - 2025,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970