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Call for Creative Entrepreneurs for Salem’s Artists’ Row 2016

Thursday, December 24, 2015 8:09 AM | James Bostick (Administrator)

Call for Creative Entrepreneurs for Salem’s Artists’ Row 2016

Applications due by noon, February 12, 2016. Season runs May 19-November 1, 2016.

Mayor Kimberley Driscoll is looking for creative entrepreneurs to participate in the twelfth season of Artists’ Row, a City of Salem Arts Space Initiative. Artists’ Row is located in historic downtown Salem at 24 New Derby Street, across from Old Town Hall and Derby Square. This area at the heart of the City was originally built as a market place and continues to this day to be an important public plaza and pedestrian way.

Artists’ Row is a seasonal program (May 19 –November 1, 2016) that provides space for artisans interested in building their audience through daily engagement with residents and visitors to Salem. The variety of activities considered for Artists’ Row spaces are to include all types of uniquely produced or crafted products that have appeal to a wide audience. Possible categories are handcrafted products, artwork and artisanal food products. The City is particularly interested in activities that will contribute to a lively activated passage that serves as an entryway to one of the central public spaces in downtown Salem.


  •   To create a lively atmosphere and add to the diverse cultural offerings available for residents and tourists visiting historic downtown Salem.
  •   To give individuals or partnerships an opportunity to share their unique products and artisanal practices with the public in an engaged retail environment.
  •   To offer cultural enrichment to the public in the form of free workshops given by participants about the materials and practices of the unique products sold.


  •   All creative entrepreneurs regardless of race, gender, belief, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical disabilities are eligible to apply.
  •   Participants of Artists’ Row will offer an interesting and diverse array of art and handcrafted products and use art to animate and engage community and neighborhood spaces.
  •   There are four (4) stalls available for licensing through this program:  Stall #1, #2, #4 and #5 (refer to attached map for stall locations and sizes).
  •   Monthly Rental Fee: Stall #1 - $200.00. Stall # 2 $175.00. Stall # 4 - $150.00. Stall #5 - $100.
  •   No commissions are charged and participants retain 100% of sales from their products.
  •   City staff will offer assistance in finding resources to support participants’ businesses including practical business skills and financial management.


Open to the public May 19 –November 1, 2016.


By or before 12:00pm (noon) Friday, February 12, 2016. Hand deliver or mail completed applications to the Department of Planning & Community Development, Attn:  Deborah Greel, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970. The application form must be completed in its entirety and is available at


A public site visit and informational meeting with program goals, expectations for operations and submission requirements, is scheduled for Saturday, January 9, 11am (or by appointment). Those interested in participating in the program should arrive at Artists’ Row (24 New Derby Street) at that time and date.



  •   All work MUST be created by the individuals participating in the program and must be original handcrafted works or products. Mass produced or manufactured works are not acceptable (sales representatives and agents are not eligible).
  •   All prices for artwork or handcrafted products MUST be visible to the public. Participants are responsible for collecting sales tax.
  •   Selected participants are responsible for transporting all products, support material and equipment to and from the site, and for all installation, display and sales.

License Agreement:

  •   Art stalls MUST be open to the public Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Hours: From noon to 6:00pm, Monday, Wednesday & Sunday. Noon-7pm, Thursday – Saturday. Participants are encouraged to stay open more than the required days and times.
  •   Selected participants will be required to sign a License Agreement with the City of Salem.
  •   Selected participants are required to provide a $500 security deposit for the use of one stall. The security deposit will be refunded at the end of the season if the stall is returned to the City in a reasonable condition and all program requirements are satisfied.
  •   Selected participants are responsible for securing his or her own Liability Insurance. The City of Salem is not responsible for damage to work caused by the elements, theft, or vandalism.
  •   Selected participants shall be responsible for payment of electricity, and if desired, phone and internet service.
  •   Selected participants MUST attend mandatory monthly meetings with the City’s Program Manager, which typically occur the first Thursday of each month at 10:00am at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, 3rd floor conference room.
  •   At the end of the 2016 Season, participants are responsible for removal of all their work, equipment, furnishings and for cleaning art stall prior to final inspection by the City’s Program Manager. All participants MUST vacate stalls by November 9, 2016.

Community Engagement/Programming:

  •   All participants MUST provide a minimum of twelve (12) FREE workshops, demonstrations, and/or performances to the public throughout the 2016 season.
  •   Participants are responsible for staffing, supplies, marketing and outreach for the programming. Collaborations with other participants to present workshops and performances that tie into Salem events are encouraged.
  •   Participants are encouraged to think of fruitful partnerships with local businesses, cultural institutions, and non-profit organizations in order to achieve their community engagement goals; the City will support them in reaching out to potential partners. 
  •   Vending Program on the Row: The City invites juried artist/vendors for a fee to showcase and sell their work at designated days and areas on Artists’ Row. Products include fine art, including but not limited to photography, sculpture, digital prints and handcrafted products made by the exhibiting artist, artisan, crafter, and designer. 


  •   Selected participants are responsible for the costs associated with the fabrication and installation of an exterior business sign. Exterior business signs can only be installed on the existing sign pole and the design and layout of the sign MUST be reviewed and approved by the City of Salem Redevelopment Authority and its Design Review Board, prior to fabrication and installation. 
  •   Selected participants will be encouraged to present a proposal to the Program Manager for temporary exterior enhancements to their stalls. These could include features such as seating for the public, plants and garden elements, decorative lights, unique displays related to the products being sold, or other components that contribute to a lively and appealing environment between New Derby and Front Streets throughout the season. (Features need approval by the City of Salem Redevelopment Authority and its Design Review Board.)
  •   To promote Artists’ Row businesses and workshops/performances, and events, examples of marketing materials may include but not limited to: posters, rack cards, social media, and press release to local media.
  •   Every Thursday from June 19 – October 20, 2016 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm vendors associated with the Salem Farmers’ Market set up in various exterior locations at Artists’ Row. It is anticipated that up to six (6) such vendors will be accommodated without interfering with artist’s dedicated outdoor vending space, during market days.


The final selection of Artists’ Row participants will be based on the following criteria:

  •   Quality of products and uniqueness of materials and/or methods.
  •   Appropriateness and scope of appeal for Artists’ Row setting and an audience of diverse ages and backgrounds.
  •   Variety of products among the four spaces within the City’s goal of selecting diverse representation of cultures, products, or styles.
  •   Quality of interactive workshops and/or performances for the general public.
  •   Potential of participants’ work to contribute to a lively atmosphere in a marketplace area and be a vibrant part of daily life in the City.
  •   Ability to work well with other participants in a group setting.


The Public Art Commission will evaluate proposals and select participants for the 2016 Artists’ Row Season. Notification will be sent no later than February 23, 2016.


  •          Saturday, January 9  – 11am           Site Visit
  •          Friday (noon), February 12             Submission Deadline
  •          Tuesday, February 23                       Notification to Applicants
  •          March/April                                     Stall Preparation & Signage Review
  •          Thursday, May 19                            Opening Day
  •          Tuesday, November 1                      Closing Day
  •          November 2-9                                    Clean & Vacate Stall


Applicants MUST attach the following items to the Application, in order to be considered for the Program:

  •   Detailed description of work you are presenting/selling, the number of participants in your groups and the proposed name of your enterprise.
  •   Professional resumes of all participants
  •   Description of the free community workshops, demonstrations, and/or performances you plan to provide to the general public. Must provide a minimum of twelve (12) with appeal to all ages and backgrounds.
  •   Physical plans for the stall you are looking to occupy, including the equipment you would be bringing into the space and any proposed interior improvements.
  •   Ten Photographs or digital photographs of artisanal products or artwork to be sold from each participant of the stall. Each photo includes:
    •   Name of product
    •   Suggested Retail Prices and corresponding number from photo list.

For information regarding the Artists’ Row Program, please contact Deborah Greel at the City of Salem Department of Planning and Community Development at 978-619-5681 or or visit

Read more:

Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6 pm

Parking: on street when available

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© 2007 - 2025,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970