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A Day Without Art, December 1

Tuesday, December 01, 2015 7:38 AM | James Bostick (Administrator)

Salem Arts Association Observes World AIDS Day today with this memorial to the profound loss of creative talent caused by the AIDS epidemic. Please stop at the gallery and reflect on our window display today.

Declaration of loss...

Today we stand together, Today we stand in silence.

Today we mourn the loss of painters, photographers, dancers, printmakers, actors, filmmakers, singers, choreographers, poets, sculptors, authors, musicians, designers... all the artists who have died from AIDS.

Today we collectively grieve the loss of future work from recognized artists, as well as the absence of countless artists yet to be.

Today we declare our loss.December 1 is a day without art, an international day of observance which focuses attention on the profound impact AIDS has had on artists and the world’s art community.

A day without art celebrates the lives of our colleagues and friends while mourning their loss in our creative communities.

Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6pm

Closed: Christmas, Thanksgiving
and New Years Day 
Parking: on street when available


© 2007 - 2024,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970