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The Salem Arts Association Magazine • 2012 IN REVIEW • Vol. 5

Friday, February 14, 2014 9:11 AM | Deleted user

The Salem Arts Association Magazine • 2012 IN REVIEW • Vol. 5

S’ART publishes annually.
February 2013 for 2012 Year in Review

In this issue...

Off The Top of Your Head, the 6th PEM
Inspirational Show at the Andrew-Safford
Carriage Barn // People’s Choice //
Starry Starry Night // Photography //
The Salem Arts Association Magazine • 2012 IN RE VIE W • Vol. 5 Sponsors // Music on Artists’ Row......

Download your copy here!

_S'ART_Year In Review .PDF

Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6pm

Closed: Christmas, Thanksgiving
and New Years Day 
Parking: on street when available


© 2007 - 2024,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970