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Salem Arts in September

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 12:54 PM | Ellen Hardy


P.O. BOX 226

SALEM MA 01907


ELLEN HARDY, President





September with Salem Arts

The Salem Arts Association is pleased to announce the 7th annual PEM INSPIRATIONAL SHOW, The Gift,which is sponsored by the SAA and inspired by the Peabody Essex Museum's Fabergé Revealedexhibition.  This year, participants will delight you with their interpretation of The Gift: What is the definition of a gift?  What is the meaning of a gift?  Some artists might even create a "gift" with interpretations in various media. 

At the Peabody Essex Museum's Fabergé Revealedshow, you will see some amazing gifts there that were created for the aristocracy. The name Fabergé is synonymous with refined craftsmanship, jeweled luxury and the Russian imperial family.  This exhibition explores the ideas of luxury, innovation, entrepreneurship and imperial patronage while providing insight into Peter Carl Fabergé's life, business and legacy.

Last year, the Salem Arts Association presented Off the Top of Your Head,the 6thPEM Inspirational show inspired by the Peabody Essex Museum's Hats: An Anthology of Stephen Jones.  Visitors were delighted with over 45 pieces, some of which included real milliner's hats!  Within our community lies extraordinary talent, and the PEM INSPIRATIONAL brings out the best in our local artists.  This show is open to all artists - not just members of SAA.   

The Peabody Essex Museum has generously awarded its 181 Essex Street space to SAA for our September exhibition.  The curator of Fabergé Revealed, Dean Lahikainen, the Carolyn and Peter Lynch Curator of American Decorative Art for the Peabody Essex Museum, will judge our 7th PEM INSPIRATIONAL SHOW.

Also at the SAA gallery on Artist's Row during September: A new exhibition titled Mini Marvels, containing work that is 8" x 10" or smaller.  This exhibit will delight viewers of all ages with a variety of media and art that has been created in a small space.

Whether you're an artist or an art lover, Salem Arts in September will inspire and delight you!

Visit both of our locations!

The Gift

7th PEM Inspirational Show

Salem Arts Exhibition

181 Essex Street

Salem, MA  01970

September 6 –29, 2013

Hours: Thurs–Sun, Noon–6pm

Public reception: Saturday, September 7, 2013, from 5–8 pm.

Music by B.J. O'Reilly

Mini Marvels

Salem Arts Exhibition

24 New Derby St., Bldg #2

Artists' Row

Salem, MA  01970

September 5– 29, 2013

Hours: Thurs-11–7 pm

Fri-Sat, 10 – 6pm

Sun, Noon–6 pm

Public reception: Saturday, September 14, 2013, from 4-6pm.

Music by Dave Bailin

Contact: 978-745-4850 or visit

Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6 pm

Winter Hours

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 5-9 pm

through February 9

Parking: on street when available

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© 2007 - 2025,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970