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A form of abstract art that came about in the 1950’s in the US and spread worldwide, minimalism was best described as art with no subtext or, “What you see is what you get.”  Salem Arts Association invited our artist members to present the essence of their expression, to strip down their creative process to concepts that represent a world of simplicity where less is more, and to explore and play with the idea that art doesn’t necessarily have to represent a deep thought or evoke emotion - sometimes, it can just… be.

Reception: Friday, April 12, 2024, 6:00-8:00 PM

Exhibition Dates: April 13 – May 18, 2024

Open Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Salem Arts Association Galleries, 159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970

Contact with questions.

This exhibition is generously sponsored by the Peabody Essex Museum and The Michael and Ronne Cosel Foundation 

Opening Night Reception and Performance:

Friday, April 12, 2024, 6:00-8:00 PM

Musical Performance by Dennis Shafer

Co-Director of the Chagall Performance Art Collaborative (ChagallPAC)

Saxophonist Dennis Shafer co-directs the Chagall Performance Art Collaborative (ChagallPAC) with writer/poet Diana Norma Szokolyai. As a saxophonist, Shafer engages his audiences with animated performances using multimedia, theatre, costumes, and music. His playing has been reviewed as “brilliant” by The Boston Globe, and he is a passionate interdisciplinary artist. Mr. Shafer has performed concertos with orchestra in Boston and New York City, and and his solo album Dennis Shafer and Friends features works he commissioned for saxophone and promoted on a world tour to Paris, Thailand, Hawaii, and California. Shafer holds degrees from The Boston Conservatory, Conservatoire de Boulogne (Paris), Longy of Bard, and Brooklyn College. Shafers’ students have won many awards and performed in notable venues, with performances in Inman Square, Harvard Square, and Carnegie Hall in New York City.

The Chagall Performance Art Collaborative (ChagallPAC) is a community of artists committed to collaborating across disciplines and exploring the ways we experience art. We believe art is never the same in any given moment, but rather evolving and continually being shaped by the imaginations of those who come into contact with it.  We create performances that involve audience participation and expand to the newest reaches of contemporary performance art.

As a community of artists, we respect and embrace the differences, rights, and dignity of others, while fostering a sense of common purpose. We honor honesty, respect and integrity in our communication with other artists and with those who come into contact with our art in our gallery space or at our performances. We are all accountable for our personal behavior and have a collective responsibility to nurture a collaborative environment where all feel safe and respected.

ChagallPAC seeks to create an environment of belonging, where diversity, equity and inclusion are valued. ChagallPAC respects and acknowledges the different cultures and communities represented by our artists and our audience. We strive to create programming in an environment that people of all cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds feel included and welcome.


Russell Findley: Shadows of Sol

Phe Needham: This is Not International Klein Blue

Larry White: The Cylinder

Heidi Kepnes: 3

Robert Beauvais: Second Chance

Mike Lash: Dock

Lane Martin: Window

Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6 pm

Parking: on street when available

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© 2007 - 2025,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970