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Corinne Commoss-Abercrombie

Seas and Trees


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Artist (Senior)
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Seas and Trees

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Corinne Commoss-Abercrombie

Artist Info

Medium / Media
  • Painting / Drawing
  • Photography
  • Sculpture
Artist Bio or Résumé
Corinne Commoss-Abercrombie
Artist Bio/rResume
March 2021
For Salem Arts Association

As a seaside community resident, Corinne has enjoyed painting.... I’ve already typed this in once and right now don’t have time to type it in again. I don’t know what happened to it but I’ll try to email it to you separately.
Artist Statement
As resident of a seaside community, Corinne has enjoyed painting landscapes and seascapes in Essex County, including Salem, Marblehead, Rockport, Gloucester, Ipswich, and other local scenes as well as other regions in her travels. Corinne works mainly in oil using her palette knife. She. Also works in still life, portrait and figure.
Corinne began painting early in life, but started studying art more seriously after completing her graduate degree in counseling. During her career life she fit art in whenever possible. Her last years of employment in education were as an art teacher in elementary and middle school. ‘I love children’s art.’ Corinne says, as well as many artists and illustrators of children’s books. Since retiring from teaching, Corinne has worked to continue her development as an artist and has found her way to painting with a palette knife, particularly for her landscapes and seascapes. She has found that painting with the palette knife has enabled her ability to paint loosely, in almost an impressionistic style.

For the past 4 years Corinne has painted in Strada Easel Challenges, painting or finishing a new painting every day, mostly outdoor and has found these exercises helped her development as a painter.

Recently Corinne has exhibited at

the Virginia Carten Gallery, Abbot Public Library, Marblehead, solo show for month of July, 2019
North Shore Art Association in Gloucester, MA, Holbein Award for acrylic painting, 2019
Rockport Art Association
Marblehead Festival of Arts,Awarded Best of Show in “Painting the Town”
Corinne’s art education includes Massachusetts College of Art, Monserrat College of Art
Salem State College and numerous artist workshops.

Artist Statement
Corinne Commoss-Abercrombie

I am a painter of Nature, scenes of varying subject and complexity. I mainly work in oil on canvas using a palette knife to apply the paint. I choose this method because it keeps my paintings looser, not so stiff. My studio is often the out of doors, whenever possible.

I appreciate objects and people as subjects as well. My work is what I’d call Impressionistic and I continually aim toward the abstract, though I find that fleeting, it’s always a goal.
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Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6pm

Closed: Christmas, Thanksgiving
and New Years Day 
Parking: on street when available


© 2007 - 2024,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970