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Artist Agreement

Updated: February 15, 2023

Note to current Artist Members

If you have not already accepted the current Artist Agreement please visit your member profile page and click the check mark to accept the agreement in order to continue displaying artwork in the gallery. 

  1. Read the Artist Agreement below
  2. Click your name at the top of this page to access your member profile
  3. Click the "Edit Profile" button
  4. Scroll down until you see the "Artist Agreement" checkbox and select the option
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the save button

You must accept the Artist Agreement in your online profile before you can exhibit artwork with Salem Arts. No payment will be made to the Artist without this signed agreement. You my download a copy of this agreement for your records by clicking below. 


Artist Agreement

Salem Arts Association Galleries and Gallery Shop are located at 159 Derby St., Salem MA 01970. Our Salem Arts exhibition facility featuresgallery space, a gallery shop, workshops and learning opportunities, and other events for members and the community to enjoy. The purpose of the gallery is not to promote the work of any one artist, or group of artists, but to present the art of the entire membership equally. Every effort will be made to ensure that all artists have display opportunities and visibility for their art. The gallery is staffed by volunteers who are essential to keeping the gallery open. The Gallery, Gallery Shop and volunteer committees will oversee the day-to-day operations.

Eligibility Requirements

The following eligibility requirements apply to Salem Arts Association artist members to display and sell art at the gallery, gallery shop, or related exhibit events and pop-ups:

  • Salem Arts Association Artist Membership must be current with membership dues paid for the current term.
  • All Artist members must accept the artists' agreement on your membership profile page of
  • Volunteering for 3+ hours per month in the Gallery, on a committee, or other approved efforts, is required. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator ( or Membership Chairperson ( for opportunities, requirements and information. Volunteer training will be provided.

Hardship waivers for volunteering may be considered and reviewed by Salem Arts Board President. 

Non-members may exhibit in some exhibitions as noted in the call for art documentation for each exhibit. Non-member exhibitors are not required to volunteer but are subject to increased submission fees and commissions on sales. Lapsed members will also be subject to increased commission fees. Review each call for art for specific details.

Display Rules for Gallery and Gallery Shop

Salem Arts Association will accept 2-D and 3-D artworks created in any medium. All items must be created by the individual who submits the artwork. Special themed exhibitions may include unique requirements that will be specified in each “Call For Art” documentation.

  • All hanging pieces need to have a secure wire-hanging device attached to the back, positioned in the top quarter of the frame height. (Saw-tooth hangers are not allowed).
  • No wet paint will be accepted for display.
  • All 3-D artwork and assemblages should be able to stand alone or be secured to a base, prop, or framed without loose pieces.
  • Large works must be able to fit through our doorway. Please discuss heavy works with the Gallery Committee before delivering to the gallery.
  • Works on paper, especially prints and photographs, must be framed under glass. Exceptions must be reviewed and approved by the gallery chairperson. 
  • Submitted work will be rejected at take-in if these conditions are not met.

All work to be displayed in Salem Arts galleries, shop, and events will be reviewed and juried by Salem Arts Association representatives, the Gallery/Gallery Shop Committee Chairs, exhibition chairpersons, and/or invited guest jurors, to assure the works meet our display requirements, quality standards, and other exhibit specifications. The decisions of the selected jury and representatives will be considered final and not negotiable.

The Artist Agreement

This Artist Agreement for services described below between the undersigned purchaser of the services (herein called “Salem Arts Association”) and the undersigned Artist (referred herein as “Artist”) as parties to the Agreement, hereby agree as follows:

  • Regarding: Any and all Salem Arts exhibit opportunities, in
  • Either formal Exhibits, in the Gallery Shop, or outside pop-up shows.
  • Place of Services: Salem Arts Association, 159 Derby St., Salem, MA 01970

Pick Up of Artwork

Please note that artwork must be picked up on the designated dates/time specified in the exhibit Call for Art unless other arrangements have been made. If artwork is not picked up then, it will be moved temporarily to an unsecured storage location. If artwork is not claimed within 30 days after notice from the Salem Arts Association the work/items become property of the Salem Arts Association and will be disposed of as seen fit, or sold with all proceeds benefiting Salem Arts Association. It is the responsibility of the artist to pick up their work in a timely manner and to insure that this is noted in the Inventory Book at the time of removal.

Description of Engagement

Once all eligibility requirements are met, the Artist can display and sell art per the display rules at the gallery or gallery shop.

Artwork for sale must be recorded on an inventory list with proper pricing with the corresponding price labels attached to their artwork. Properly completed lists and other required paperwork must be provided to Salem Arts Gallery/Gallery Shop personnel.

Artwork may not be removed from the gallery or shop prior to scheduled pick-up dates. 


The artist agrees to allow Salem Arts Association to represent the artwork on display for the purposes of marketing and publicity. Salem Arts Association does not imply any claim to ownership or copyright. All rights remain property of the artist.


Sales will be handled by the Salem Arts Gallery Shop Volunteers. A Commission of 35% of the selling price is required of Salem Arts Association member artists and will be subtracted from the price before payment. Payment of 65% of the selling price will be issued to the artist by check, generally during the month following the month of the sale (within 60 days).

If your membership expires while your work is on display, it will be removed or subject to the non-member sale commission rate of 50%

    Non-members participating in exhibitions are subject to a commission of 50% of the selling price that will be subtracted from the price before payment. Payment of 50% of the selling price will be issued to non-member artists by check, generally during the month following the month of the sale (within 60 days).

    Tax Forms

    Salem Arts Association is required by law to submit 1099’s to the IRS from artists with sales, awards, or other payments for amounts totaling $600 or greater during a calendar year. A 1099 will ONLY be sent to the IRS if the total payment to an artist equals or exceeds $600. 

    To facilitate this, we require completed W-9 forms prior to making any payments. Artists are asked to complete a W-9 form, or validate that current W-9 form information is accurate, when asked following any sale. Artists are required to inform Salem Arts Association of any changes to address or other related tax form information. 

    Selling artists can check with your tax advisor for advice regarding claiming commissions as tax-deductible donations to the extent allowable by law.

    Download the form using the link below and deliver in person, mail to Salem Arts Association at 159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970, or email to

    Download IRS FORM W-9 HERE

    Code of Conduct and Ethics

    Salem Arts Association is dedicated to providing a safe space, free from disruptive misbehavior, harassment and discrimination for our board, membership and community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, language, socioeconomic standing, or otherwise. We do not tolerate disruptive misbehavior, harassment and discrimination in any form. Ethical violations, including plagiarism and copyright infringement will also not be tolerated. Those who are found to be engaging disruptive misbehavior, harassment, discrimination or ethical violations will be subject to membership suspension and/or ban from all Salem Arts Association spaces and programming, including social media and digital platforms. Reports of any violation of our code of conduct will be reviewed by the Board of Directors who will make final decision regarding any action. 

    Liability & Agreement

    By accepting this agreement, the Artist agrees to release, defend and hold harmless Salem Arts Association, and all their officials and volunteers from and against any and all losses, costs, damages, liability, or expenses (including any attorney’s fees) arising out of or resulting from any accident, bodily injury, property loss of the occurrences to any person or persons in service of this Agreement or any part thereof.

    Artist understands and agrees that work associated with this Agreement is of a short-term, contract nature. No promises or guarantees, expressed or implied, have been made to the Artist regarding the provision of contract services beyond the performance date(s). Artist understands and agrees that he/she is not an employee of Salem Arts Association. Artist shall be responsible for payment of his/her own expenses and benefits, including licenses, benefits, etc.

    Salem Arts Association is not responsible for loss or damage and does not carry insurance on artwork/items. Insurance of artwork/items is the individual artist’s own responsibility.

    Artist acknowledges receipt of the Salem Arts Association Gallery and Gallery Shop Display Rules and agrees to follow the rules. Artist understands that failure to follow the rules will result in forfeiture of eligibility to display and sell art at the Salem Arts Gallery and may lead to suspension of membership.

    This artist agreement may be updated as needed by Salem Arts committee chairpersons and executives. Members will be notified by email when significant updates are required.

    You must accept the Artist Agreement in your online profile before you can exhibit artwork with Salem Arts. No payment will be made to the Artist without this signed agreement. You may download a copy of this agreement for your records by clicking below. 



    Salem Arts Association
    159 Derby Street 
    Salem, MA 01970  
    Phone: 978-745-4850 

    Weekends 12-6 pm

    Parking: on street when available

       Link to our facebook page.     Link to our Instagram page.   Link to our TikTok page.   Link to our LinkedIn page.

    © 2007 - 2025,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

    159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970