Northshore Magazine

Arts On The Move

Salem Arts Association Has a New Home.

by Dinah Cardin (April 2020)

When describing his playful multimedia art pieces, artist Paul Nathan says, “There’s a certain...happiness." A dynamic collage features a parade more suited for New Orleans passing in front of the Salem Custom House. “They are light and joyous, but not simple,” says Nathan. This could be a good description for Salem itself at times.

A story full of serendipity has been unfolding on Derby Street in Salem. It started when Nathan retired from his work as a lawyer a couple years ago and turned his law office (an 18th-century yellow clapboard building near the water) into the Paul Nathan Gallery and Museum, where he could sell his original artworks and greeting cards stamped with his work. But he wasn’t seeing enough foot traffic. Then one day, when Salem Arts Association president Jim Bostick wandered in. a friendly conversation sparked a historic moment for the arts in Salem. Fast-forward to April of this year and the SAA has a new 2,600-square-foot home across the street from the Salem Maritime National Historic Site and near landmarks like the House of the Seven Gables and Mercy Tavern.

In contrast with the Rockport Art Association, which began in 1921, Salem’s is the youngest on the North Shore, formed in 2007 by a group on Artists’ Row. The Salem Film Fest and Salem Jazz and Soul Festival were starting up at the same time. The SAA now has a membership of more than 300, representing artists living all over the North Shore.

The organization has been housed in several locations, the most recent being a former Universalist church on Bridge Street. “Our openings were incredibly well attended. It was a really good feeling. But after the opening, nothing” says the organization’s vice president and exhibition curator. Heather Stewart, who lives in Lynn and focuses on Realist paintings.

Stewart is thrilled to have a more permanent home with 11 galleries, space for classes and workshops, and even an artist-in- residence program.

“I consider this a story of growth,” says Bostick, who works as a photographer and designer. One common goal is to bring back the community “clubhouse" feel that existed on Artists’ Row, when musicians would just turn up on a Friday, says Bostick, the new location includes a patio filled with potential on Kosciusko Street. Sunlit galleries are named after a few of the 50 wharves where goods were offloaded from Salem ships traveling all over the world, A first-floor gallery is named in memory of active Salem artist Ellen Hardy, considered the driving force behind the association. Bostick credits Hardy with saying “The word arts has an s for a reason." Keeping this in mind, the association is looking into expanding their offerings, even turning their basement into a black box theatre. “Ellen is smiling down on us.” says Bostick of his friend, who died in 2017. “None of this would have happened without her.”

The SAA has gained traction with a busy calendar of events, like their annual show inspired by a chosen exhibition at PEM. In Oc­tober, there is a fitting Dark Arts exhibit And in the spring is the playful Salon des Refuses, a tradition that started last year, featuring works turned down by the Salem Arts Festival. Now, when an artist’s work is rejected, the city hands them a flyer for the Salem Arts show, says Bos­tick, adding that this opportunity is a tradition going back to the French Academy.

On April 3, the public can attend the first member showcase in the new location. “I feel really strongly about letting people show their work," says Stewart, who has acted as juror, curator, and critic for exhibitions at prominent galleries in the region.

Bostick is coming to the end of his three- year term as president and is happy to hand off the SAA stronger than he found it. Some of that is due to hard work and some to the magic of Salem. In the meantime, the building also houses a small gallery just for Paul Nathan's work. “I think it s a win-win all around," says Nathan. "I see this as an adventure. The more people you have, the more energy."

News Links

May 2023 Vibrant Art Scene Blooms in Salem - Northshore Magazine

September 2021 - Destination Salem Podcast - Episode 13: Salem Arts Association - Northshore Radio 104.9

March 2021 - Salem Arts Association Welcomes New Director and Artist in Residence - Creative Northshore

September 2020 - Salem Arts Announces Two New Exhibits - Northshore Magazine

July 2020 - Salem Arts Grand Opening Member Showcase Salem Access Television (SATV)

May 2020 - Salem Arts Association Launches Virtual ExhibitNorthshore Magazine

May 2020 - Gallery, Never Opened Due to COVID, Launches Online - Salem News

April 2020 - Arts On The Move - Salem Arts Association Has a New Home - Northshore Magazine (download PDF)

February 2020 - Salem Arts Association Moves to Derby Street Neighborhood - Salem Gazette

November 2019 - Autumn Member Showcase - Salem Access Television (SATV)

October 2019 - Dark Arts Exhibit - Salem Access TV (SATV)

September 2019 - Picturing America and Dark Arts Exhibitions - Salem Access Television (SATV)

August 6 2019: Dan Breslin Solo Show - Salem Gazette

June 2019 - Salon Des Refuses Salem Access Television (SATV)

May 2019 - Roots Exhibit at Salem Old Town HallSalem Access Television (SATV)

April 2019 - Member Showcase Exhibition at Salem Old Town HallSalem Access Television (SATV)

March 2019 -  Young at Art, Ellen Hardy, Paula Beaulieu, and Scholarship Fundraiser ExhibitSalem Access Television (SATV)

December 2018 - Fall Member Showcase 2018 - Salem Access Television (SATV)

October, 2018 - Two Exhibits: Untold Stories and Dark Arts 10-5-18 - Salem Access Television (SATV)

August, 2018 - Land & Sea, Raymond Gilbert Solo Exhibit - Salem Access Television (SATV)

July, 2018 - Go Away Exhibit - Salem Access Television (SATV)

March 2018 - Inspiring The Arts - Salem Magazine (Download PDF)

January, 2018 - Salem Cultural Council 2018 Grant Recipients - Salem Cultural Council

December 28, 2017 - Reflecting on 2017 Events in Salem - Salem Gazette

November 2017 - Salem Arts Association Member Showcase - Salem Access Television (SATV)

July 17, 2017 - Salem Arts Association: ReVision Opening Reception - Salem Access Television (SATV)

May 5, 2017 - ReVISION Exhibit Opening Reception - Salem Access Television (SATV)

March 9, 2017 - Salem Arts cuts ribbon on new digs - Wicked Local Salem

March 5, 2017 - Grand Opening Festivities on Salem Access Television - Salem Access Television (SATV)

February 22, 2017 - Salem Arts Announces New Move - Salem Gazette 

February 18, 2017 - "The Bridge at 211" Welcomes Salem Arts Association - Creative Salem

Have news? Members, email your news to: with the subject line "NEWS BLOG POST" if you want your event, show, or news posted in our "News" section. Additionally all posts also go to our Twitter page.

We encourage members to share posts from this news feed on Facebook and all your social networks. 

  • Thursday, January 02, 2014 6:39 PM | Deleted user
    Join us for the 4th Annual Artists & Authors Winter Exhibition at the Hawthorne Hotel

    Limited space is available to participate in our 4th Annual Artists & Authors Winter Exhibition.

    Exhibit Date: February 19, 2014 from 5 to 9 p.m.

    Artists must arrive by 4 p.m. and be set up completely before the 5 p.m. opening. Breakdown will occur directly after the event at 9 p.m. Tables will be provided by the Hawthorne Hotel.  

    Exhibit Location: The Hawthorne Hotel Ballroom, Salem, MA

    for more information about the event please visit "calls to art" page.

  • Thursday, December 12, 2013 4:06 PM | Ellen Hardy

    SAA elects new officers and Board members!

    Ellen Hardy, President
    Heather Reid-Barratt, Vice President
    Sarah Coakley, Secretary
    Cheryl Frary, Treasurer

    New Board Members:
    Mary Best
    Susan Dodge
    Melissa Birtwell

    Current Board members: Sara Ashodian, Joe Higgins, Jason Consalvo, Henry Zybszynski, Jennifer 'Jeff" Bowie, and Alyssa Jones.

    SAA would like to thank outgoing Secretary Patricia Dunbar for her help over the last three years and Melissa Birtwell for her help as Vice President over the last six months. We will welcome both of them to our Board of Directors at our January 27th, 2014 meeting.

    SAA will host their 2014 ARTISTS & AUTHORS WINTER EXHIBITION. Wednesday, February 19th from 5-9 p.m. 

    The City of Salem has created a "letter of intent" to receive a possible grant from ART PLACE to update and improve Artists' Row! If selected a formal application will be filed by spring. If awarded, grant monies would be available by mid-summer. Grants from ART PLACE can range from $50K-500K. Salem Arts Association, The Salem Partnership, and the Peabody Essex Museum are partnering with the city on this initiative.

    SAA members in the News! 

    Jennifer "Jeff" Bowie SAA Board member speaking at FULLER CRAFT MUSEUM January 11th, from 11am-12pm "Steampunk: A nostalgia for the world we were promised and never given."

    Karen Hoskings                                                             
    Karen Hoskings with Joseph Votano have recently published a book titled: BOSTON BELOW available through Schiffer Publishing. They are both freelance photographers who have extensively photographed Boston over the years. Congratulations to SAA member Karen Hoskings!

    OPUS RESTAURANT & ART GALLERY: Salem Arts members having one-person shows: 
     Anne Sterling December/ January 
     Cheryl Frary January/ February 
     Stanley Sylsz February March

    Salem Cultural Voice 
    Many things regarding our city's cultural thinking can be found on this Facebook link. Add your perspective and find interesting articles including the City of Salem's new PUBLIC ART MASTER PLAN.
  • Sunday, November 10, 2013 4:43 PM | Deleted user
    Winter Market

    The "Winter Market" begins this Thursday, November 7th, from 3-6 pm and ends Dec. 21st. SAA and Artists' Row will be open so stop by and shop for the holidays!

    Winter Market Hours

    Thursdays 3pm- 6pm & Saturdays 12 -4pm

    Saturday, November 30th, December 14th, and December 21st will be "Indoor Market" days. Members are invited to reserve a table and invite their friends & neighbors to the row from 12-4 to shop.

    Happy Holidays, Salem Arts Association!

  • Monday, September 09, 2013 8:55 AM | Deleted user
    The Gift

    The 7th PEM Inspirational Show based on the Peabody Essex Museum’s
    Fabergé Revealed Judged by Dean Lahikainen, Carolyn and Peter Lynch Curator of American Decorative Art, Peabody Essex Museum A Call for Art!

    Submit your art to SAA’s signature exhibit. After visiting the PEM’s show Fabergé Revealed, be inspired to think about: What is a gift? What does it mean to give a gift?, Have you created a gift you’d be willing to share with the community? Dean Lahikainen, PEM curator of Fabergé Revealed, will jury this special exhibit.

    The exhibit will be located on PEM property, at 181 Essex St., first floor

    For more information on the exhibit please visit the "Call to art" page.
    Download the call for The Gift.

    If you have any questions about the show or Salem Arts Association please contact us!
  • Saturday, August 31, 2013 10:26 AM | Deleted user

    8/31/13 and 9/1/13 Take-in times for Mini Marvels Exhibit

    Please join us for the Mini Marvels exhibit September 5th till the 29th!

    Reception will be held on September 14th 4pm-6pm all are welcome!

    All artists are invited to submit 3 to 5 pieces size limits are 8"x10" including frame
    For more information about the show please download the "Call to art" or visit the "call to art" web page and read about details for the exhibit.

    The art show will be held in the Salem Arts Association Building / gallery section stop by Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday's to view artwork in the gallery and shop around in the retail store. We have over one hundred artists and an eclectic versatile collection of art ranging from traditional oil paintings to urban style art.

    If you have any questions regarding the art exhibit please email or stop by the S.A.A. building.

    Want to join the Salem Arts Association? Visit our "Join Us" page.

  • Tuesday, August 20, 2013 12:54 PM | Ellen Hardy


    P.O. BOX 226

    SALEM MA 01907


    ELLEN HARDY, President





    September with Salem Arts

    The Salem Arts Association is pleased to announce the 7th annual PEM INSPIRATIONAL SHOW, The Gift,which is sponsored by the SAA and inspired by the Peabody Essex Museum's Fabergé Revealedexhibition.  This year, participants will delight you with their interpretation of The Gift: What is the definition of a gift?  What is the meaning of a gift?  Some artists might even create a "gift" with interpretations in various media. 

    At the Peabody Essex Museum's Fabergé Revealedshow, you will see some amazing gifts there that were created for the aristocracy. The name Fabergé is synonymous with refined craftsmanship, jeweled luxury and the Russian imperial family.  This exhibition explores the ideas of luxury, innovation, entrepreneurship and imperial patronage while providing insight into Peter Carl Fabergé's life, business and legacy.

    Last year, the Salem Arts Association presented Off the Top of Your Head,the 6thPEM Inspirational show inspired by the Peabody Essex Museum's Hats: An Anthology of Stephen Jones.  Visitors were delighted with over 45 pieces, some of which included real milliner's hats!  Within our community lies extraordinary talent, and the PEM INSPIRATIONAL brings out the best in our local artists.  This show is open to all artists - not just members of SAA.   

    The Peabody Essex Museum has generously awarded its 181 Essex Street space to SAA for our September exhibition.  The curator of Fabergé Revealed, Dean Lahikainen, the Carolyn and Peter Lynch Curator of American Decorative Art for the Peabody Essex Museum, will judge our 7th PEM INSPIRATIONAL SHOW.

    Also at the SAA gallery on Artist's Row during September: A new exhibition titled Mini Marvels, containing work that is 8" x 10" or smaller.  This exhibit will delight viewers of all ages with a variety of media and art that has been created in a small space.

    Whether you're an artist or an art lover, Salem Arts in September will inspire and delight you!

    Visit both of our locations!

    The Gift

    7th PEM Inspirational Show

    Salem Arts Exhibition

    181 Essex Street

    Salem, MA  01970

    September 6 –29, 2013

    Hours: Thurs–Sun, Noon–6pm

    Public reception: Saturday, September 7, 2013, from 5–8 pm.

    Music by B.J. O'Reilly

    Mini Marvels

    Salem Arts Exhibition

    24 New Derby St., Bldg #2

    Artists' Row

    Salem, MA  01970

    September 5– 29, 2013

    Hours: Thurs-11–7 pm

    Fri-Sat, 10 – 6pm

    Sun, Noon–6 pm

    Public reception: Saturday, September 14, 2013, from 4-6pm.

    Music by Dave Bailin

    Contact: 978-745-4850 or visit

  • Tuesday, July 16, 2013 10:00 AM | Deleted user

    August 1- September 1, 2013   Reception August 10th 4-6pm


    The Salem Arts August exhibit will be "Salem Arts Photography" for more information about the exhibit please visit our "Call to art" page. Download the submission form for the call and enter into the show!

    Salem Arts Association

  • Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:15 PM | Deleted user


     July 4- July 31, 2013   

    Opening Reception

    July 13 from 4-6 pm

    Faces of Salem


    Salem Arts is still receiving work for the FACES OF SALEM show because drop-off times were inconsistent.  Please contact <> through July 3rd if you have an entry. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

    The Salem Arts Association Faces Of Salem exhibit is almost here! Join us for the opening reception meet artists from the show and enjoy the amazing artwork!

    For more information about the exhibit please visit our "Calls to art" page. If your an artist you can submit work to be in the show by downloading the entry form located at the bottom of the calls page.

    We hope to see you at the Faces Of Salem art exhibit!

  • Friday, June 14, 2013 11:07 AM | Deleted user

    Salem Arts Association Artist Call for the

    Grand Opening of OPUS ART GALLERY


    Opus is passionate about supporting our local artists and we are pleased to be showcasing your work within the larger Salem community. The Opus Art Gallery is one way we have found to not only support local artists, but to connect your work with the Salem Arts Association and the Salem Education Foundation and create a win/win for the entire community. The theme of the first show is “OPENING” a  group exhibition of Salem Arts Association members that will hang for the month of July 2013. Subsequent shows will be solo artist exhibitions. If you would like to be considered for a future show please indicate a preferred month with your JPG submissions.

    For more information on this call please visit our "Call to art" page for details, dates & times.

    Thank you!


  • Friday, May 31, 2013 2:16 PM | Deleted user

    Call for Art! 2013 Season

    We want your artwork

    for Sale at the SAA Gallery Artists’ Row Retail Shop.


    Friday May 31 5PM-7PM


    Sat June 1 11AM-1PM

    The SAA Gallery is located at Artists’ Row on New Derby Street in Salem. Parking

    is available adjacent to the Gallery in Klop Alley.

    Please bring items for drop‐off only at the stated times in the call.

    Members of the retail committee who can sign work in will be there only at these times. Otherwise a special appointment must be made with a Retail Committee Member.

    At other times, the person gallery sitting may not be familiar with the Take-In process!

    For more information on take-in of artwork for the SAA retail store visit our "Call To Art" page