Salem Arts Association Update

Thursday, December 12, 2013 4:06 PM | Ellen Hardy

SAA elects new officers and Board members!

Ellen Hardy, President
Heather Reid-Barratt, Vice President
Sarah Coakley, Secretary
Cheryl Frary, Treasurer

New Board Members:
Mary Best
Susan Dodge
Melissa Birtwell

Current Board members: Sara Ashodian, Joe Higgins, Jason Consalvo, Henry Zybszynski, Jennifer 'Jeff" Bowie, and Alyssa Jones.

SAA would like to thank outgoing Secretary Patricia Dunbar for her help over the last three years and Melissa Birtwell for her help as Vice President over the last six months. We will welcome both of them to our Board of Directors at our January 27th, 2014 meeting.

SAA will host their 2014 ARTISTS & AUTHORS WINTER EXHIBITION. Wednesday, February 19th from 5-9 p.m. 

The City of Salem has created a "letter of intent" to receive a possible grant from ART PLACE to update and improve Artists' Row! If selected a formal application will be filed by spring. If awarded, grant monies would be available by mid-summer. Grants from ART PLACE can range from $50K-500K. Salem Arts Association, The Salem Partnership, and the Peabody Essex Museum are partnering with the city on this initiative.

SAA members in the News! 

Jennifer "Jeff" Bowie SAA Board member speaking at FULLER CRAFT MUSEUM January 11th, from 11am-12pm "Steampunk: A nostalgia for the world we were promised and never given."

Karen Hoskings                                                             
Karen Hoskings with Joseph Votano have recently published a book titled: BOSTON BELOW available through Schiffer Publishing. They are both freelance photographers who have extensively photographed Boston over the years. Congratulations to SAA member Karen Hoskings!

OPUS RESTAURANT & ART GALLERY: Salem Arts members having one-person shows: 
 Anne Sterling December/ January 
 Cheryl Frary January/ February 
 Stanley Sylsz February March

Salem Cultural Voice 
Many things regarding our city's cultural thinking can be found on this Facebook link. Add your perspective and find interesting articles including the City of Salem's new PUBLIC ART MASTER PLAN.