Totems: What Guides Us?

Saturday, September 06, 2014 8:11 AM | Deleted user
8th Peabody Essex Museum Inspirational Show

Totems: What Guides Us?

Inspired by the PEM’s exhibit, Raven’s Many Gifts:
Native Art of the Northwest Coast Judged by Karen Kramer, Curator of Native American Art and Culture at the Peabody Essex Museum. Ribbons will be awarded to Best of Show, Excellence, and Honorable Mention.
September 6-28, 2014 181 Essex St., Salem, MA Opening Reception September 6 from 5-9pm

Totem poles may recount familiar legends, clan lineages, or notable events. Some poles celebrate cultural beliefs while others are mostly artistic. The Native American art of the Northwest Coast is rich with patterns depicted include natural forms such as bears, ravens, eagles, orcas, and humans; legendary creatures such as thunder-birds and sisiutls; and abstract forms made up of the characteristic Northwest Coast shapes. Totem poles are the most well-known artifacts produced using this style. "Raven, an iconic trickster and culture hero who appears in countless Northwest Coast origin stories, is credited with carrying light into the world in his beak," says Karen Kramer, PEM's curator of Native American art and culture. "Despite profound cultural changes over the past 200 years, oral histories such as the story of Raven continue to inspire a rich and diverse array of creative expression in tribal communities along the Northwest Coast."
Call For Art hat cultural, environmental or social elements define you?
Take-in date are August 31st 11-2pm and September 2nd 5-8pm, IN-PERSON, at 181 Essex Street. 1-2 pieces can be submitted; all pieces need to be framed and WIRED appropriately undefined saw-toothed hangers will be rejected. A 4 foot height limit is applied. Artist will be notified via email if work is accepted. Work not accepted can be picked up on September 6 from 11:00am to 3:00pm. Exhibit closing Pick-up Sunday September 28, 2pm-5pm IN-PERSON. $5 entry for SAA members per piece
$10 entry fee for non SAA members per piece

ALL accepted exhibiting artists are required to gallery sit at 181 Essex Street during open hours of the exhibit. A sign-in sheet will be provided at take-in. A minimum of four hours sitting is required for the month; more hours encouraged. The SAA takes a 25% commission on any sales. NFS pieces will be accepted.
For more info contact or
Works of fine art and craft with a value under $1,000 are insured for catastrophic loss only. Works with a value over $1,000 are not insured by the SAA. Artist’ must provide their own insurance if they wish.
Salem Arts Association is a non-profit organization.

If you wish to download the call to art please visit our "calls" page.