Salem Arts Association Events: Katherine Howe Book Talk & Laura Dandaneau Photo Workshop‏

Thursday, July 05, 2012 8:38 AM | Deleted user
Many exciting Salem Arts Association (SAA) events are coming up at Artists' Row in Salem, MA, including a talk by Katherine Howe on her latest book and a photography workshop by Laura Dandaneau.
SALEM, MA—The Salem Arts Association (SAA) is excited to share the news of two upcoming events at their gallery and retail shop at Artists' Row in Salem, MA: a talk by local author, Katherine Howe, on her new book, The House of Velvet and Glass, and a two-part photography workshop by local photographer, Laura Dandaneau.

Katherine Howe was born in Houston, Texas, and holds degrees in Art History and Philosophy from Columbia and in American and New England Studies from Boston University. She is the author of The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, a novel of the Salem witch trials which debuted at #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, and which has been translated into twenty-five languages. This past year she hosted the Expedition Week special “Salem: Unmasking the Devil” on the National Geographic Channel, and taught a seminar on historical fiction at Cornell University. Her bestselling new novel, a historical thriller set in Boston in the aftermath of the Titanic sinking, is entitled The House of Velvet and Glass. She lives in Marblehead, Massachusetts, and upstate New York, where she is at work on her next novel.

Laura Dandaneau has been creating photographs since the age of nine. She was largely self-taught until adulthood, when she studied at the Maine Media Workshops. She creatively uses photography to tell a story and she also brings an observer’s viewpoint to her work, honed from her experiences as a flight attendant for a major U.S. airline. Her photographic credits include the U. S. Sailing Team, Sperry Top-Sider, Group Experiential Learning, and author photos for Katherine Howe and Louis Hyman. Presently, she is Vice President of the Salem Arts Association.

On July 21, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., she will present the first of two free workshops at the Salem Arts Association building at Artists' Row. The topic of the first workshop will be the creative side of photography. The workshop is open to all ages; children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Participants are welcome to bring a camera. Weather permitting, there will be time to take photos. A second session will take place on Tuesday, August 14, from 7 to 9 p.m. Topics will include work flow and photo storage.

Katherine Howe Book Talk: The House of Velvet and Glass

  • Artists' Row, 24 New Derby Street, Salem, MA
  • Saturday, July 14, 3 p.m.

Photography Workshop with Laura Dandaneau

  • Artists' Row, 24 New Derby Street, Salem, MA
  • Part 1: Saturday, July 21, 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (Dandaneau will discuss the creative side of photography. Participants are welcome to bring a camera. There will be time to shoot.)
  • Part 2: Tuesday, August 7, 7–9 p.m. (Participants are welcome to bring in images from Part 1 of the workshop. Dandaneau will discuss work flow and have a 'round table' discussion.)