Salem Arts Association’s 9th PEM Inspirational Show based on the Peabody Essex Museum’s Strandbeests

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 9:48 AM | James Bostick (Administrator)

Flux public opening reception is Saturday, September 26, from 4-8 p.m.

Music by B.J. O’Reilly

Salem Arts Association’s 9th PEM Inspirational Show based on the Peabody Essex Museum’s Strandbeests 

about: alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity, instability, modification, motion, mutability, course, draught, drift, ebb and flow, flood, progression, stream, tide, passsage, make fluid, melt, fuse...

Trevor Smith, Curator of the Present Tense at the PEM for Strandbeests, will jury this special exhibit. 

The exhibit is located at the Salem Arts Center, 179 Essex Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

The exhibit will run September 17– October 17, 2015.

For more info contact

Salem Arts Association is a non-profit organization.