Good news from MASSCreative on budget increase for the Arts

Thursday, July 09, 2015 11:42 AM | Anonymous

Recently Massachusetts lawmakers passed the FY2016 state budget, which includes a $14.16 million investment in the state’s arts, cultural, and creative community. This is an 18% increase in funding over last year's $12 million Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) budget.

Your advocacy has shown that arts and culture help build vibrant and connected communities across the Commonwealth. Over the past three years, the Commonwealth’s investment in the creative community has increased by 49% from $9.5 million to $14.16 million

This year’s additional increase in state arts funding would not have been possible without the collective voice of the creative community:

   More than 250 arts leaders and supporters met with over 70 representatives and senators during our Arts Matter Advocacy Day in March at the Citi Wang Theatre and the MA State House.

   Arts and cultural supporters sent 5,231 emails to Gov. Baker and the State Legislature showing them that arts matter in Massachusetts.

   The creative community recruited 103 representatives and 20 senators, a total of 123 out of 200 state legislators to sign on to amendments calling for an increase to the MCC budget.

The budget now heads to Governor Baker’s desk, where he has 10 days to sign off on the plan.

Send a quick note to the governor voicing your support for the budget. 

Congratulations on building momentum for the creative community.

Keep up the good work,

Matt Wilson, MASSCreative